Happy Birthday!
We have another bike rider!
Pot of Gold
Nate's Trap
This week we celebrated Connor’s Birthday and St. Patrick’s Day. Connor’s Birthday was spent at Red Robin for dinner, as we do every Birthday in our family. St. Patrick’s Day I hid a pot of gold (treats) for the kids to find before the movie, the boys had green pancakes and had green Oreo shakes for dessert. The food coloring didn’t really show up in the shakes, but I tried.
Connor – This was Connor’s week! Tuesday my parents came out and Grandma took Connor to eat at Chuck-a-Roma while Grandpa stayed and “Played” at our house. Wednesday was his Birthday. I woke him up with a hug and a kiss and took him and his friend Ammon to Subway for lunch. I sat there and talked with the boys as they both consumed a foot long sandwich, soda and a cookie! After school we picked John up from work and ate at Red Robin (Yum). Connor asked if he could have a shake, and being that it was his Birthday, we said yes. Not thinking, he polished off his shake and a glass of water. By the time our food came, Connor was already full and didn’t even eat half his dinner. Of course there was no room for dessert either, so we took that home and had it after he came home from Young Men’s. Friday Connor had a Scout campout and melted his boots in an effort to get warm. Connor also deleted his Facebook account because he was sick of the negativity. Saturday started just like every Saturday, trying to get the kids to do their jobs so we could do something fun! We had a little bit of YouTube drama and John helped clean up that mess. After lunch, Connor was loading the dishwasher with the help of Jacob. At one point he bent and picked up Jake, put him in the air and called him a cute Jakey thing. Then I heard what sounded like Connor tripping over the Dishwasher door. Suddenly I heard Jacob scream and turned around to find Jacob lying on the dishwasher door with Connor face down on top of him! I started yelling at Connor to get off of his brother and he just laid their as the dishwasher continued to come out of the wall. I grabbed Jake and Connor finally began to scramble to his feet. Still yelling, I told him to get up I asked him what he was doing. He then told me he had fainted! I told him to sit on the couch and l hollered for John to come in from the garage and look him over because I was still trying to settle Jacob and make sure he was okay. Connor had a bruise on his eye and a bump on his head. As John and I are asking him questions, he began to get irritated and told us to stop freaking out, that it happens all the time. WHAT!!! Now I really started freaking out. John told me not to call the Doctor, but I decided to texted him. After going back and forth asking Connor questions, he told me that it was probably Vasovagal, and would be fine until Monday. We went in to see him today, and after more questions, he is pretty sure that that is what it is and it has been brought on by dehydration. He sent us for an ECG just to be sure, and we should get those results tomorrow. All in all, it was a crazy weekend and more stress than I would have liked to have had.
Nathan – Nathan made a pretty amazing Leprechaun trap and unfortunately didn’t catch anything. He also left me a very detailed message about being very put out that I wasn’t home when he returned from school. He wanted to let me know that he was home, but that it sure would be nice if I would have left the front door open so he didn’t have to go around and through the garage. I didn’t plan to be gone when they got home, but was stuck at the checkout at Wal-Mart. His voicemail just added insult to injury, because I hate to be gone when they get home if I haven’t told them beforehand.
Matthew – Friday the boys went out to play and I told Matthew that I wanted him to try to ride a bike again. He was not happy about it, but I made him do it anyway. His bike was too small by now, so I got Nathan’s down and within 5 minutes he was riding a 2 wheeler! He was so proud of himself and couldn’t wait to get back out and practice on Saturday. After all, the boys can’t wait to ride up to Maverick for treats! Tuesday the boys were supposed to go Birthday shopping for Connor, but Matthew had made some not so good choices and had to stay home. Luckily, Grandma was back from taking Connor and stayed and played games with Matthew, so his punishment turned out to be quite rewarding!
Michael – Michael was so excited to see the Lorax on Saturday afternoon. Matthew had read him the book in preparation for the show and Michael was so cute, pointing out the things that he would see that was like the book. He only had to go to the bathroom once, but other than that, he stayed in his set the while time and enjoyed the show. Michael says some pretty funny things. One of the words that he gets mixed up is “forgot”. He told John that he “got-for” the syrup on his pancakes.
Jacob – Tuesday was haircut day for the 4 boys while Connor went to dinner with Grandma. Jacob looked absolutely darling with his short hair spiked up in the front. He was really good and hardly cried. Jacob is now walking everywhere! If he falls down, he pops right back up on his feet. I put a basket of books upstairs in the corner with his other toys and he loves to “read” them. He will slowly turn the pages and study it as if he were reading. Jacob is starting to make more sounds, but no real words. I think that will be coming very soon.
John again organized the garage so that the bikes can now be down and his car can still be in the garage. He also got the bulbs planted that I had bought from Thanksgiving point last year. John had an insurance guy come out and as they were discussing how much life insurance he should get, John told him that I only needed enough for 3-5 years, because I was “Cute and wouldn’t have a problem finding someone quickly”. I told him that I guess I better start checking out my options. Lol
Thursday I attended the Republican Caucus and even though it was terribly long, I enjoyed being a part if the process. John and I went out to dinner with my friends from high school on Friday and had to get a sitter for the kids because Connor had gone to his campout. It was so nice to come home to a quiet house with all the kids in bed except for Jacob. This week I am looking forward (not really) to my colonoscopy. I do look forward to feeling better soon and if this is what I have to do, then so be it.
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